SUREWiSE - South Australia’s Insurance Brokerages

Equine Industry Insurance

Experience tells us that you are much more likely to have a loss and subsequent claim as a horse owner than that of a house owner.

Arranging Equine Insurance on your horse is the only reliable way to protect your investment and ensure your ongoing participation in the thoroughbred industry, be it breeding or racing.

That’s because horses are high risk – often with those risks lying beyond your control despite the highest levels of animal husbandry.

Experience tells us that you are much more likely to have a loss and subsequent claim as a horse owner than that of a house owner.

With a house, you can engage the burglar alarm or call the fire brigade. Compare that with a colic attack or a paddock accident over which you have no control.

At SUREWiSE, we offer:

  • Performance Horse Insurance
  • Thoroughbred Horse Insurance
  • Newmarket Gold Liability Insurance

Performance Horse Insurance

Participants in equestrian competition including dressage, and eventing understand the importance of managing risk.  They do it every time they practice or participate.

Our Performance Horse Insurance cover means equine competitors can focus on their sport without carrying additional concerns about the horse’s welfare off the course.

Tailored specifically to meet the needs of Performance Horse owners, our cover recognises the special risks associated with competition – as do members of SUREWiSE ’s Equine Insurance team from their first-hand experience in the saddle.

Thoroughbred Horse Insurance

SUREWiSE specialises in corporate Bloodstock and Thoroughbred insurance.

We understand that no matter how good your animal husbandry practices and how strenuous your efforts to minimise danger, horses are high risk and their welfare is often beyond your control.

Our experience and genuine commitment to Thoroughbred Insurance at both national and international levels has seen us tailor innovative new products to meet our clients’ needs.

SUREWiSE won’t just sell you an Equine Insurance or Thoroughbred Insurance policy.  Rather, we aim to provide total risk assessment and cover through tailor-made policies to suit your needs.

Below are the Thoroughbred Insurance Policies we offer.

Mortality Insurance

This covers death within Australia and/or New Zealand from accident, illness, disease or destruction for humane reasons, where such reasons have been certified by a veterinarian.

At commencement of this insurance, the animal must be in good health and free from injury. Depending on the sum insured, a veterinary certificate for mortality insurance purposes may be required.

The following three extensions can be added to a Thoroughbred Mortality Insurance Policy:

  • Stallion Loss of Income Insurance

Stallion Loss of Income Insurance covers the stallion owner/shareholder in respect to stud fees (including the loss of use of your own nominated mare/s) incurred as a temporary total disablement of the stallion for a period of not less than 20 consecutive days as a result of any accident, illness or disease first occurring and first manifesting itself during the period of insurance.

  • Stallion Congenital Infertility Insurance

This insurance covers the stallion for his first season at stud against being infertile due to a congenital abnormality of its semen, or a congenital inability to breed. This is a complex but very important form of cover as it provides added protection to the stallion shareholder/owner.

  • Stallion Loss of Use Insurance

This covers the stallion in the event he becomes permanently and totally impotent, infertile or incapable of natural service as a result of accident, sickness or disease.

Prospective Foal Insurance

Prospective or Unborn Foal Insurance covers the unborn foal against being aborted, stillborn or, if born alive, against dying within the period stated in the policy. In most cases, cover commences when the mare is tested in foal 45 days after her last service and remains in effect until 30 days after birth. This cover includes death of the unborn foal as a result of the death of the mare.

Thoroughbred Transit Insurance

A general mortality insurance cover insures your animal(s) against death whilst in transit in Australia and/or New Zealand. Cover is also available for transit of horses between other nominated destinations outside of Australia.

Newmarket Gold Equine Insurance

SUREWiSE’s Newmarket Gold Liability Insurance is a package available to protect thoroughbred studs, agistment and breeding properties, especially in respect of third party owned horses left in your care, custody and control, as well as associated errors/omissions and transit exposures.

Liability Insurance is the most important for any business and never has this been more evident than in the horse stud, agistment and breeding business which for years has been shunned by liability insurers.

At SUREWiSE, we can provide higher indemnity limits than those normally available in the market.

This product is industry recommended and utilised by many of the pre-eminent studs in the thoroughbred industry.

With years of knowledge and participation in the thoroughbred bloodstock industry, our skilled team understands the nuances and complexities of all stud/agistment farms and horse owners.

Key advantages of Newmarket Gold Equine Insurance

  • Public and Products Liability up to $20,000,000 (higher limits available)
  • Care, custody and control limits aligned to your exposure – limited up to $4,000,000 in the annual aggregate
  • Financial loss insurance covering negligent acts, errors or omissions in connection with your business up to $1,000,000 in the annual aggregate
  • Transportation extension covering your care, custody and control while transporting horses incidental to your business
  • Serviced by a team who understand your business and industry.

Newmarket Gold Liability Claim Examples

  • Injury or death following accidents involving unsafe fences and gates
  • Escaped horses due to negligence in handling
  • Horse escapes and the animal is subsequently involved in a motor vehicle accident
  • Failure to notify veterinarians at on-set of negative health symptoms – with the subsequent death of the horse
  • Pasture contamination resulting in subsequent illness of the horse
  • Failure to advise owners of a foal birth – with the foal subsequently dying un-insured
  • Mare covered by the wrong stallion
  • Horse incorrectly branded.


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